Monday, August 29, 2011

Who Let the Dogs Out?

There are some wonderful people here. They are so loving and generous. I am not exaggerating when I say that nearly every day someone gives us some kind of fruit, vegetable, juice, etc.
The work is sooo good here. The main challenges seem to be in that often the youth and kids get baptized, but their parents do not. The parents have more challenges----they need to get married,  word of wisdom, work on sunday, etc. Even those who are of other faiths are welcoming, loving, and often are happy to listen to us. I think the key is in the DAD. DADS are SO important. With the support of the Dad, everyone jumps on board.
I am loving being at camp. They sell bug repellant here, but it does not seem to be as effective. It is beautiful in Las Avispas (which means The Wasps) and I feel like I have been transplanted as a character in a few of my favorite novels. 
Remember how I used to be absolutely terrified of dogs? And I would run like crazy as they chased me around? I think I am finally overcoming this fear. Every house in Las Avispas has a dog or two or three. These dogs are intended to protect the house and scare any one off.  Truly, I have never prayed so hard to be protected from dogs, and it seems my prayers are being answered. :)
 I am thankful to be here in Ecuador. I have fallen in love with the gospel, the people, the food, the nature, and practically everything else here. I know this is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father knows each one of us and loves us so much that He sent His Son. Just as Christ fulfilled the will of the Father in all things, as we follow His example, we will also return to our Heavenly Father`s presence. He demonstrates His love for us in so many ways. One of the ways is that we have prophets to guide us and His power is on the earth today. It is through His power that we can be a family forever.
I know the Lord`s promises are sure. As we make promises to people, I feel the reassurance that it is true! The Lord blesses us as we do what He asks. He will never ask us to do more than we can, and He always makes a way to complete with His will. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and will eternally be thankful for His Infinite Sacrifice.
Hermana Garlock

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